Hollywood Mayor announced today that Hollywood movie makers and all those who work for them have job security but that they are hired up for the next five years.
"The good news is that the stars we have and the production staffers, writers are plenty for the next five years. In fact, we're years ahead on schedules. You use the 20 formulas that people who write books will tell you that all the real plots there are, you add some special effects,use a little 3D or any new breakthroughs and yougot yourself a movie that will make money."
Others say that they can still use any new ideas but that none have come about for a while now but we are still making money. People aren't as picky as they used to be, apparently.
"Some regular movie goers are more interested in what's going on with the stars themselves than what kind of movies we are showing."
"Vampires and Zombies are big and we got a sh*tload of old favorites to redo so why spend money on new staff and equipment."
"One thing we are going to do is to have a break in the movie and show what's going on among the stars. That kind of stuff. I think it will be big but if not, we'll just show previews of the next movies to be shown."