"Good Boy!"

Submitted by Paul Blake

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

A Great Dane was sitting in the lobby of his Vet's office one morning with his owner.

A nervous little Chihuahua sat shaking beside him.

"What're you in for?" Said the Great Dane to the Chihuahua, to ease his nerves.

"Oh me?!" Said the little dog. "I Keep scratching up the sofa, the carpets, everything! So my owner's are having my balls cut off to see if that helps."

"Oh." said the Great Dane.

"How about you?" Said the Chihuahua to the Great Dane.

"Oh, well one day I was walking down the hall, and I saw my owner, this lady here with me, bent over in the bathroom, mopping up some water that had gotten on the floor after her bath.

"What happened?" Asked the Chihuahua.

"Well, I did what any good dog would do... I mounted her." Told the Dane.

"Oh jeez!" Said the Chihuahua. "So I guess your in here for the same thing as me then!"

"Naw." Said the Dane, looking down at the little dog. "I'm in here to get my nails trimmed.

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