The Pope - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Enjoying the clean air at my mountain top holiday Villa on one of the seven hills overlooking in Rome. I've been here over a week now and it's so quiet.

Postman delivered many magazines today including my favourite one 'Choirboy' that portrays some of the best singers in the world! I thought I would "shake hands with the unemployed" so to speak (some people have described it as the largest member of the Catholic Church - but who am I to brag?). None one was around and the closer I got to the centrefold, the more I began to 'bash the Bishop'. I got so carried away that my right hand started to hurt immensely, in fact the pain was so bad that I called one of my cardinals to drive me to hospital and I discovered that I had broken my wrist.

How am I going to explain this to the masses? Skiing accident? A stroke of bad luck? Administering Holy Orders?

(I hope that the holy mother was not watching!)

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