"Macho Man" Randy Savage - My Fake Diary
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Ooooh Yeah. Happened across a little cutie at the Diner across town and decided to throw down a little of the Macho Man charm. For some strange reason she wasn't having any of the Macho Man, his 18 inch pythons, his stylish bandana, or his drawstring parachute pants. Clearly confused as to what she needs or what a REAL man looks like, I offered to pay her $100 for a couple of minutes alone, but she kept mentioning some whimpy boyfriend who might disapprove. Disapprove of the Macho Man? Please.
My final offer was to throw the money on the floor and by the time she picked it up, the Macho Man would fill his needs. After all, the Macho Man is a busy man, and he has other places to be. After a call to her boyfriend, she agreed to do it for $200. I knew she would be planning a fast exit, but I agreed to the 2 Franklins.
I guess the boyfriend was a bit miffed at not receiving a quick phone call after the deed, but the Macho Man likes to take his time with the ladies, despite a little white lie about being quick. Besides, it took her quite a while to pick up all those quarters, oooooh yeah.
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