Gordon Ramsay - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Heather wrote on SuccessWorks:

Hotel Hell is my new television addiction. Maybe it's because I travel so often, and what I see confirms my worst fears (now my husband understands why I never use the comforter.)

Maybe it's because I love Gordon Ramsay's in-your-face method of business consulting.

Whatever it is, I find the show addicting.

If you've never seen Hotel Hell, Ramsay visits hotels around the U.S., and transforms them from "hellish" into "heavenly." After he's done, the property is beautiful, comfortable, modern and bug-free (ugh, bugs….)

I enjoyed a Hotel Hell marathon over the weekend. After the episode aired, I would visit the hotel's Website to see if they were "Ramsay'ed" as well. After all, he stresses how important it is for the hotels to provide a lasting (and positive) good first impression. A hotel Website should do the same thing.

The properties may be beautiful, but the sites could use some improvement.

Fair enough then…

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