David Cameron - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 22 March 2012

What a brilliant budget from Ossie Osborne yesterday!

Cigarettes up 37p a pack - New 20% tax on gaming machines - a new Stamp Duty Land Tax rate of 7 per cent on properties worth more than £2 million - Top earners tax rate Down to 45p - An Extra £100 million of improvements in the accommodation of our armed forces and their families - Personal allowance up to £9.205* People will be able to earn up to £9,205 before they have to pay any tax. Millions of working people will be £220 better off every year. That's £150 better off after inflation." - Child Benefit Allowance raised to £60.000 - Corporation Tax down to 24%!

Brilliant! Another nail in the coffin of Miliband's malignant Labour Party!

And we all know Cleggy smokes! Ha ha ha!

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