Bitburg, Germany: A man walking in a Bitburg shopping precinct was arrested yesterday, ha was caught laughing in public an offence which is punishable in Germany.
It seems the man left a pub stinking heavily of Bitburg beer (very tasty brew by the way), he fell into the gutter, picked himself up, downed a half a bottle of vodka and tripped over an OAP's walking stick who just happened to be passing.
He then managed to reach the town square, burped several times, peed in the fountain, smiled a massive smile and laughed aloud. The police arrived and slammed him into the back of a Green Maria, not black.
A innocent observer asked the "Polizei" why the man was arrested and here is their answer:
"We don't mind men getting sloshed, tripping up OAP's, peeing in fountains, but laughin loudly in public is just intolerable and an offence, Sieg Heil!"
The drunkard was rushed off to the local constabulary, told to dry out and never laugh again in public otherwise he would face a jail sentence.
The man actually was not German, he was a pissed up Pole!