Hunt Is On For Savoy Drunk - Reward Offered

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Thursday, 9 June 2011


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Izzis Duh Spoof? Eh? Izzit? Yer Wot?

The drunken man who was ejected from a showbiz bash at London's posh Savoy hotel after repeatedly falling over in front of such luminaries as Sir Ian McKellen and Liam Neeson has become the focal point of a nationwide search.

The man went on to be captured on CCTV falling down a flight of stairs and wobbling about in the West End backstreets, falling on his arse several times in the process, and becoming something of an internet phenomenon as the CCTV footage went viral.

Now, various media moguls are breaking their necks to find him, and offering vast rewards in return for his side of the story.

Including none other than Mike Lawton, CEO of international satirical website The Spoof

Editors of national newspapers, and a host of television producers are said to be waiting with chequebooks in hand for the man to come forward, but Lawton reckons he can pip the lot of them to the scoop.

"I'm confident we can get the man to register as a writer on The Spoof" he said. "And get him to tell his own story in his own words. He can even swear a bit if he likes - which he won't be able to do in the papers, or on the telly. Unless he's on the Graeme Norton Show. I can't offer him money, but a 25k points bonus should constitute a nice little sweetener. Plus, there's the added attraction of going on the forum and having the other writers rip the piss out of him."

More as we get it.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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