The unusual hiding place of Ratko Mladic has tonight been revealed for the very first time.
It is believed that Ratko was able to evade capture because no one could understand how anyone could possibly survive in the strange place he chose to live in for so long.
But Ratko has since confirmed that he was very happy living in this hiding place and he got visitors and mail every day.
The mail, however, was not addressed to him. It was addressed to other people, because Ratko Mladic had chosen to live in a London Red Post Box.
He lived there very happily for 15 years and made friends with the postmen who just thought he was an eccentric immigrant who wanted to live in a compact abode.
He was eventually captured one day last week when he took offence to a passerby who chose to post a letter through his post-box with the wrong amount of stamps on.
Ratko jumped out of his post box in annoyance, and was just about to reprimand the poster of the letter when he realised that the letter poster was his old enemy Tony Blair.
Tony Blair immediately made a citizens arrest and the rest will be history when the next history book gets written.
Tony is said to have compared his find to the killing of Bin Laden. Bin Laden doesn't agree. He lives in the next post box down the road and says his death has been exaggerated out of all proportion.
Ratko Mladic will now stand trial in the Hague at the international War Crime Tribunals. And Tony Blair will be going to see if he can find Colonel Gadaffi in a similar type of hiding place. He's rumoured to be hiding in a phone box in London.
Although there are a million phone boxes in London, Tony doesn't think it will be too hard to find the one where Gadaffi is living. He's just going to look for the one that also contains a Tent, a camel and a rocket launcher.
By Katarina Frogpond.