
Funny satire stories about Colonel Gaddafi

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Funny story: Princess Diana got an official Royal Pardon for IRA bombing stuff

Princess Diana got an official Royal Pardon for IRA bombing stuff

London - The Royal Prerogative of Messy was extended to Diana for grassing up her mates in the Libyan Semtex loop. Hundreds of tonnes of Colonel Gaddafi's explosives were regularly smuggled into Britain under the guise of the royal diplomatic bag...

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Funny story: Kava Blanca

Kava Blanca

It was another day, like any other in the bowels of Tripoli. Another coffee shop dive with tables occupied by the desparate, the heart broken, the insipid, the millipedes, the cockroaches... Spam was at the piano, playing tunes for the forgotten. I was behind the bar frothing a cappucino for a large Tunisian who was making me nervous taking up nearly two of my new bar stools. "I say Dick, what...

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Funny story: Libya's Ruling National Transitional Council End's Decades-Old Ban On Guacamole

Libya's Ruling National Transitional Council End's Decades-Old Ban On Guacamole

Libya's current authority, the National Transitional Council, has decided to end the decade's old ban on Guacamole first instituted by now-deposed dictator Moammar Gaddafi, the Council's Abdul Hafid Ghoga told reporters here on Thursday. "Gaddafi...

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Funny story: Botulism sauce recipe traced to Gaddafi's infamous 'Duntossin' mansion

Botulism sauce recipe traced to Gaddafi's infamous 'Duntossin' mansion

London - Investigators probing Saif 'As Houses' Al-Gaddafi's North London gaff said today they've found the sauce of a botulism outbreak. Police frogmen paddled about in a London N2 pool used to cook up toxic crap retailing at £1.99 for 400ml at I...

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Funny story: The Oscars Plagued by Loss of Another Guest Host; First, Ghadafi; now, Murphy. Who next?

The Oscars Plagued by Loss of Another Guest Host; First, Ghadafi; now, Murphy. Who next?

Now that Eddie Murphy has bowed out as the host for next year's Academy Awards telecast, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is again looking for someone who is able to deliver viewers to the most-boring Hollywood event of the year. T...

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Funny story: Justifiable Karma for World's Tyrants

Justifiable Karma for World's Tyrants

In the old testament it was 'An eye for an eye'. In Jesus' time the message was 'Turn the other cheek'. So what do we have in our modern times as a guideline for our spiritual well-being? 'Karma' the New Age paths tell us. Every little nasty that you have ever done will come flying back at some time and whap you silly. Of course, karma doesn't necessarily have to be bad because every good thing yo...

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Funny story: I'm not dead: Gaddafi

I'm not dead: Gaddafi

The former Libyan President, Colonel Gaddafi, has denied he is dead, in spite of the overwhelming evidence, saying that someone is pulling wool over the eyes of the general populous. The infamous dictator was adamant that he is still very much al...

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Funny story: President Barack Obama and Colonel Muammar Gadddafi Shared The Same Birthday

President Barack Obama and Colonel Muammar Gadddafi Shared The Same Birthday

WASHINGTON D.C. - In what is being deemed the worst timing for a political coincidence for some, it is also being dubbed a conspiracy too close to comfort for others. When the news broke world wide that Colonel Gaddafi was captured and allegedly s...

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Funny story: What Was The Mysterious Disc Buried With Gadaffi?

What Was The Mysterious Disc Buried With Gadaffi?

Controversy continues to dog the deposed, beaten, and executed former Libyan leader, even as he rots away beneath the sand dunes of the northern Sahara. The talk among the few present at the despotic leader's interment, was of a mystery disc, toss...

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Funny story: Gaddafi: the body vanishes!

Gaddafi: the body vanishes!

Libya - In a eerie twisty reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's 1938 movie thriller The Lady Vanishes the remains of horrible Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi have vamooshed into thin heir (sic) along with one of his awful sons, Mutassim. National Tran...

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Funny story: Gaddafi's ashes to be returned to Camilla

Gaddafi's ashes to be returned to Camilla

Tripoli - Libyan Transitional Council authorities have said the tyrant's cremated remains are to be shipped to his first lawfully wedded wife in the UK this week. The son of Queen Elizabeth and Rudolf Hess was wedded to Camilla in a 1967 Hellfire...

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Funny story: Health and Safety Executive not happy with storage of Gaddafi's body

Health and Safety Executive not happy with storage of Gaddafi's body

The Health and Safty Executive (HSE) have issued a directive regarding the body storage of Colonel Gaddafi, the former Libyan dictator. In a directive issued to Libya's National Transitional Council, the HSE's representative in the region, Mustaph...

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Funny story: Is Ghadafi Really Dead? Geraldo Chimera's Journey to the Truth

Is Ghadafi Really Dead? Geraldo Chimera's Journey to the Truth

October 22, 2011. Misrata, Libya. With little time on my hands, I flagged down a taxi, begging a ride from the Misrata airport to where Ghadafi's body allegedly rested. It was time to "pull a MacGyver." I had the cab drop me several blocks from the Misrata Meat Market. Racing down a dusty neighborhood alley, I ripped a burka from a clothesline. A roiling, angry knot of children appeared, but we...

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Funny story: 'He Was The People's Princess, er...Dictator!' as Blair pours crude on troubled waters

'He Was The People's Princess, er...Dictator!' as Blair pours crude on troubled waters

London - Clutching some onion slivers inside a silk monogrammed hanky the weepy-faced ex-UK Prime Monster sobbed quietly as pix of Colonel Gaddafi lying in a Misrata butcher's shop window went viral this weekend. The $10 million-per annum JP Morga...

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Funny story: Gaddafi "Hung Like Camel" - Not Shot As Earlier Reported

Gaddafi "Hung Like Camel" - Not Shot As Earlier Reported

WASHINGTON: Chaffing at criticism from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that the Geneva Conventio was breached by the killing of Colonel Gaddafi, the White House backed down on taking credit for his assassination. White House spokesman, J...

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Funny story: Fidel Castro Last Laughing Because He Lived Longer Than Gadhafi

Fidel Castro Last Laughing Because He Lived Longer Than Gadhafi

HAVANA - Ever since former Cuban President Fidel Castro entered into power in 1976 he's always had an eye on Libya's Muammar Gadhafi for archrival reasons. According to a study done in world history by Professor Elitzer Spilliot of University of P...

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Funny story: Egypts Mubarak Saddened Gadhafi Won't Be Joining The Arab Fall Fraternity

Egypts Mubarak Saddened Gadhafi Won't Be Joining The Arab Fall Fraternity

EGYPT - Ever since the Arab Spring began, fallen leaders or tyrants, depending on whom you ask have been dethroned one by one as if it were a cadence from God. Not until fallen Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi ordered an unofficial civil war on his peop...

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