Glaswegian Comes Out On Top In Study

Funny story written by grimbo

Monday, 14 February 2011

image for Glaswegian Comes Out On Top In Study

Unexpected results regarding accents have been issued recently by Northumbria University.

The University's Social Linguistic department asked a selection of Japanese people to listen to various accents and grade them according to a number of personality traits - happiness, sadness, enthusiasm, positivity, negativity and attractiveness.

The accents used were Scottish standard English, heavily accented Japanese, moderately accented Japanese, deep south American, mid west American and , last but definitely not least, Glaswegian.

The more than 500 Japanese taking part in the study voted Glasgow top for social attractiveness.

The expressions which most appealed included :

"Geeza feel o' yer jugs, babe"

"Ah widnae throw hur oot o' bed fir eatin' buscits"

and, perhaps most poignantly :

"How dae ye like yer eggs in the moarnin' ? Hopefully, no unfertilised ."

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