Unexpected results regarding accents have been issued recently by Northumbria University.
The University's Social Linguistic department asked a selection of Japanese people to listen to various accents and grade them according to a number of personality traits - happiness, sadness, enthusiasm, positivity, negativity and attractiveness.
The accents used were Scottish standard English, heavily accented Japanese, moderately accented Japanese, deep south American, mid west American and , last but definitely not least, Glaswegian.
The more than 500 Japanese taking part in the study voted Glasgow top for social attractiveness.
The expressions which most appealed included :
"Geeza feel o' yer jugs, babe"
"Ah widnae throw hur oot o' bed fir eatin' buscits"
and, perhaps most poignantly :
"How dae ye like yer eggs in the moarnin' ? Hopefully, no unfertilised ."
Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.