Pope Makes Same Hollow Promise His Predecessor Made

Funny story written by UWGB-Beek

Monday, 22 November 2010

image for Pope Makes Same Hollow Promise His Predecessor Made
"Oh, God, I hope they don't find out... I'm in way over my head here..."

Vatican--Pope Benedict the 16 made the same hollow promise his predecessor made before him, and that is that he would resign if he became incapacitated.

"I know it more of a hollow promise to all the liberal members of the Catholic Church that would like me to quit now, and move on, but I will resign if I can't do my job." Pope Benedict the 16 said in a new book.

The pope has said a lot about what he might actually do that if he is incapacitated, but he did make the promise.

"My Church needs to know that I won't put them through hell, and they won't see me get wheeled around like the last pope. That was painful for everyone." Benedict said to reporters.

The pope did make sure that it will probably be another conservative that takes over after him because he appointed enough conservative Bishops to make sure no liberal becomes pope for the next twenty years.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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