Trusted sources say that Osama Bin Laden has been spotted this past week 10 miles southwest of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. It has been widely known that there has been wide discontent in the Islamic circle of Bin Laden, leading him to other parts of the world to find true meaning.
Since it has been difficult for Bin Laden to travel by plane due to strict airport restrictions for anti-terrorist purposes, it is but logical that the Arab stalwart travel by land. Osama's terrestrial journey has led him to Tibet, a landlocked region under China, to seek consultation with the Dalai Lama.
Advanced CIA spying has confirmed that Bin Laden has been having leadership problems within his immediate council of elders and is asking some questions himself about his extreme Islamic beliefs. He has been surfing the internet lately and has subscribed to Twitter where he has been following the daily tweets of the Dalai Lama. It is said that he is overwhelmed by the peaceful quotes posed by the Buddhist leader everyday, and Bin Laden is almost always moved with joy (and tears).
It is well known among CIA agents in Tibet that sometime next week, the Dalai Lama and Bin Laden will be having a one-on-one meeting in a mountain refuge deep in the Tibetan highlands. Spa therapists will be on hand to give them both deep-body massages after the much awaited conversion to Buddhism of Bin Laden will take place.