First she did it - not once, not twice but over and over. Had a bad case of on-air verbal diarrhea.
Then in a style that is becoming wearily familiar, Conservative talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger [mouthpiece for the rabid haters of all things not Republican] used her website to post an apology following a nasty interchange with a caller.
Dr. "Dolally" appeared to have had her 19th drug-induced nervous breakdown - revealing signs of possible early dementia by screeching the N-word several times.
American viewers are used to this phenomenon called "the show after the show". Popularized by Conservative racists, it consists of sensationalizing outdated and pejorative epithets by repeatedly vocalizing them for maximum effect. Having pleased the rabid rabble there then follows Part II - or the "Hell, I don't mean it apology" replete with faux penitence, remorse and the wearing of huge crucifixes.
Of course Laura's apology was typically Republican:
"Yesterday I said N****R, when I shouldn't have said N****R and the only reason I said N****R was because I didn't think it was such a big deal to say N****R. I mean N****RS say N****R all the time so I figured if N****RS can say N****R then it must be OK for me to say N****R. so I don't get what all the fuss is about my saying N****R.
"OK I'll wash my F****NG mouth out with F****NG soap & water if that will make N*****S happy"
The dysfunctional doc describes herself as a "Self-Help" author and is a repesenative of the "Sosully Conservative Republicans" - a group of people who love to hate just for the sake of hating.
Author's note: For non-American fans...
Yanks like to pretend they are so civilized they wouldn't say shit even if their mouth was full of it. But their 'family values' leaders regularly swear, abuse, defile, defame or denigrate by using 'alpha' sounds.
Ergo: the N-word, the F-word, the C-word, the S-word, the B-word, the T-word - and so on.
Work's dang well for a society that caint spell!