A White Guy's Observation

Funny story written by Leddy

Sunday, 11 July 2010

I live in Los Angeles County, USA., and I would like to tell you about what it's like to be a white guy here.

*Every time something is broadcast on the news about immigration that stimulates anger amongst the Hispanic population - I get dirty looks and unwelcome vibs.

*Every time something is broadcast on the news about slavery in American history, or racial prejudice that stimulates anger amongst the Afro American population - I get dirty looks and unwelcome vibs.

*Every time something is broadcast on the news about a war with North Korea that stimulates anger amongst the Asian population - I get dirty looks and unwelcome vibs.

*Every time something is broadcast on the news about a war with Iran that stimulates anger amongst the Muslim population - I get dirty looks and unwelcome vibs.

*Every time some thing is broadcast on the news that Caucasians are in favor of and I happen to disagree - I get dirty looks and unwelcome vibs.

Some days, I would just a soon not get out of bed.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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