Dekotora - Japan's Dekotora movement -- where truckers who would otherwise be snorting crystal meth off of the porcelain tank covers of rest stops throughout Japan decorate their trucks to look like Elton John's mud room -- has come under fire from local politicians for blinding motorists.
Dekotora, Japanese for "What Mexicans Would Do to Corollas If They Could Afford It", commonly have neon or ultraviolet lights, extravagant paints, and shiny stainless or golden exterior parts.
They are sometimes also referred to as Art Trucks or Sh-tbombs.
A dekotora truck can have a Cadillac bumper, Hello Kitty mudflaps, illuminated chrome side-running boards, headlights made from old cell-phones, paper lanterns, luggage racks that light up like Christmas trees, detailed murals featuring dragons, samurai and cartoon characters, and even metal tubes shooting off the front that serve no purpose at all.
Amazingly, most of these trucks are actually used to transport goods. And, not surprisingly, the trend is catching on in the US as well.
"Yeah, I want my truck to look like an outtake from 'Ultraman Invades Adam Lambert's Guest House'," says a Los Angeles trucker who wished to remain extremely tacky.
"It's a fun hobby, and it is more rewarding than getting crabs from the $15.00 hookers I usually waste my disposable income on."