Black Volcanic Ash Cloud will lead to Global Freezing

Funny story written by SPECTRUM

Saturday, 17 April 2010

image for Black Volcanic Ash Cloud will lead to Global Freezing
This could be a midsummers day in the UK

Former Scientist Mad Micky Morrison, claims that the Volcano that erupted in Iceland, and that is continuing to create a gigantic cloud of black ash, in the atmosphere, could continue doing so for years.

The worst possible scenario is that the cloud, will continue to grow and grow, until it covers the entire planet blackening out the sun, which will lead to Global Freezing.

Mad Micky reckons that we may have to get as much paper and books to burn as possible when Global Freezing occurs.

He recommends books by Al Gore, and Tony Blair, as good burning material so if you have any save it up for burning or use it as toilet paper.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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