Necromancy and Mistaken Identity of Biblical Proportions

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Thursday, 18 March 2010

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Necromancy subject

In his writing 'Benny Hinn and Necromancy (Talking to the Dead)', Joseph R. Chambers wrote that Benny Hinn "stated clearly that he had seen saints ("dead saints") and that they talked to him, gave him instructions and, told him that they were praying for him. This is clearly necromancy or communication with the dead. He went on to say that his necromancy was Biblically supported by Jesus Christ's experience on the Mount of Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah talked to the Lord".

After looking into this story further, it was discovered that there had been a major case of mistaken identity. Joseph R. Chambers had actually been quoting Benny Hill who was reading from a script for one of his upcoming comedies.

The red faced Chambers coughed and spluttered his way through some lame excuse but made no apology for his 'publication' stating, "My fans won't believe the bit about Benny Hill because they don't believe in Benny Hill and never watched his shows because of the half naked women running around to 'speeded up music' at the end of his shows and they also didn't care for the 'slap head' who appeared in all episodes".

As a result of an obvious lack of 'periods' (full stops) in his statement. Chambers ran out of breath and collapsed resulting in him being rushed by ambulance to the nearest hospital. He woke up to find himself surrounded by scantilly clad nurses and a short doctor with a bald head.
Benny Hill himelf was standing at his bedside holding a rubber chicken.

Chambers is expected to make a full recovery.

(Note: The italicized quote is NOT a Spoof).

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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