Just minutes ago, Greece's prime minister George Papandreou made an announcement to the world's press as reporters were gathered urgently to get his statement.
He was nearly ranting and in the end he threw a vase towards the thspoof.com reporter who was innocently looking out of the window at a riot of Golden Dawn (Chrysi Avgi) members walking towards the parliament with obvious intentions to burn it down with the parliament members inside as they were voting in favor of the new law giving the greek nationality to the immigrants.
He said:
"My secret services secretary informed me that despite all the news agencies are telling people worldwide the lie we want to be heard about crisis etc so we the parliament members can pass any pay-cut law we want, there is only one news agency that has gained top-secret information and has published it to everyone on the web.
"According to our secret services investigation, the site TheSpoof.com has kept on sneaking to our top secret plans to drain every single cent from the greek people and get the money from the selling of most of the Greek infrastructure to foreign investors and getting ourselves out of the country after that letting every Greek to join his/her ancestors in their graves as poor as any beggar.
"Man.. you guys say that you publish untrue stories.. what's wrong with you? How did you dig out all that information about selling the Parthenon to a big fast food restaurant chain and all that other secret stuff.. Jesus Christ man!
"Why didn't you guys ask me for money so you can keep your mouth shut? You ruined it for everyone of us in the government now that the people know what awaits them..
"I got some issues now, I think I ll call Obama who controls the internet to have your butts kicked big time.."
Notably, towards the end of the statement, the prime minister called his mother speaking in English to her and some people nearby heard her calling him Jeffry.
All the writers in TheSpoof.com have agreed to keep on providing the general public with unreliable false news about Greece and we do not accept any liability for the case that our stories become ever the truth in the end.