The Prime Minister of Greece George Papandreou is requesting an International Rescue but he does not mean Thunderbirds he wants The USA and The UK to give financial help to Greece.
Mr Papandreou said he is not asking for a bailout from the EU but there could be series consequences if Greece fails to survive this current financial crisis.
Greece urgently needs to raise between 4 to 7 billion dollars as early as next week as unlike Britain and America they don't have a Bank of England or Federal Reserve type system.
In England when there is a financial crisis they just print more pounds even although there is nothing to back it up its just a promissory note the same goes for Americas Federal reserve financial crisis print more promissory notes.
The UK and the USA are just as Bankrupt as Greece but unlike Greece they just keep printing more of this paper stuff called money until one day when the bubble will surely burst.