London - A leading business group, the British Chambers of Commerce (the BCC for short), issued a stark warning Sunday following the UK's weak exit from recession.
Spokesman Jeremy Idle told reporters outside his house that the UK's tallest businessman (and the fourth tallest in the whole World), Jason Economy, 49, who currently stands a staggering 8 feet 3 inches, was intending "to grow slower in 2011".
"Jason (Economy) has grown at a rate of nought point one centimetres a month since he sprouted pubes, but next year he's decided to grow at half that rate, which I think will take him to 8 feet 3 inches 1.6 centimetres".
Despite this decreased growth rate, Economy should still move a place in the World rankings, as the current third place, Brigitte Essunpee stands at 8 feet 3 inches 1.2 centimetres, but she has failed to grow since the turn of the millennium.
For those interested, Economy will still be a massive 17 inches off the largest businessman in the World.