Homer Simpson joins the Buildaburgers Club

Funny story written by SPECTRUM

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


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image for Homer Simpson joins the Buildaburgers Club
You might think Gordon Browns in charge you would be wrong Mandelson runs the show in the UK

After being refused entry into the Bilderberg Club Homer Simpson has started his own club the Buildaburger Club.

Entry is open to most people in the World who want to sit around building big big burgers,drinking lots of Duff beer and not really giving a shit who runs the World. Meanwhile most people are totally unaware of the sinister things going on with organisations like the Bilderberg Group.

In 1954 the most powerful people in the World including the Rockefeller family met for the first time at the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeck.

They decided to meet every year to decide what they thought they should do about the planet and they formed the Bilderberg Club.

The Bilderberg's are the Illuminati and members include David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger,Prince Charles,Peter Mandelson etc etc etc. Their ultimate aim is a one World Fascist Government the culling of 90% of the population with the rest being micro-chipped which is even more effective than their present method media control.

Are you a Buildaburger.

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