Islamabad (Dissociated Press)- Since the assassination of his wife, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, President Zardari has been on the prowl for a mate. Preferably, one that is active in US politics. After being rejected by Governer Sarah Palin on the campaign trail, he has tried to get his game on during Codoleeza Rice's recent visit to Pakistan.
"You're not as bad as I thought you'd be. You're no Palin, but you'll do for now" said the easily excited Zardari. This obviously came as a shock to Condoleeza for two reasons:
The first reason being obvious - Someone had actually complimented her on her appearance. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not implying that Rice is not attractive, I am saying so explicitly.
The second reason - The magnitude of the crisis Pakistan is under has had no noticeable effect on Zardari's libido. This confirms the findings of experts who believe that stress can have a beneficial effect on sexual health. The study was conducted by a group of Peruvian Coca farmers.
Zardari has been spotted in various nightclubs around Islamabad. "He's like a schoolboy on steroids these days" said a bouncer of a popular local nightclub 'Funky Mullah's'. His overt behaviour has yet to have an effect on Pakistan's domestic political scene.