Sarah Palin: Rafael Nadal is HOT!

Funny story written by Jean Le Fete

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

image for Sarah Palin: Rafael Nadal is HOT!
Sarah: I want Rafa!

Flushing Meadows- Sarah Palin, the new V.P. Running Mate choice of John McCain, surfaced at the U.S. Open this week. She is currently being questioned by New York Police for hanging out near the men's locker room and attempting to steal a pair of Rafael Nadal's shorts, while they were still on Nadal.

"I've never seen this women before," said Nadal, "There will be a restraining order. I understand she's with that old gray haired dude running for President, but that's no excuse."

An aquaintance of Palin's was quoted as saying, "Rafa is Hot! I want his shorts." Authorities have given no interviews so far and no charges have been filed.

"To the best of my knowledge, no laws were broken and Sarah was just lost in the moment of unwanten lust. I'm sure there is a logical explanation and nobody is pregnant," said John McCain from his bus in Mississippi where he has single handedly turned back Hurricane Gustav and saved the City of New Orleans.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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