Chinese submarine detects ping from crocodile

Funny story written by Aspartame Boy

Saturday, 5 April 2014

image for Chinese submarine detects ping from crocodile
Many ships stood by for the drop of MH370

Broadway - Acording to I. Copeeyu of the Chinese fleet command, what was thought to be the ping of the MH370 flight recorder turned out to be a protester previously fed to a crocodile and dumped in the sea by the Chinese.

Wufu Chifat was found guilty of not buying his quota of aspartame and flushing his supply of it down the toilet. As part of his punishment he was made to swallow a pinger so that his location could be easily tracked.

I. Copeeyu stated' "We know the plane landed at DG. We are just looking for where it may have been dumped later.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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