Hague sends the might of the Russian army back by clever rhetoric

Funny story written by Auntie Jean

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

image for Hague sends the might of the Russian army back by clever rhetoric
A tank running away from William Hague this morning

William Hague who was obviously not informed of a U.K stategy leak, said this afternoon, "Its quite simple, those wusskies are cowardly weally and a nice bit of public school debating whetoric sent them scuttling away with their tails between their legs".

Russian Premier, Putin who seemed to be well informed due to a Conservative cabinet minister holding a secret document in view of media cameras almost split his sides laughing at the posturing of the politically impotent Cameron and Hague double act.

"I can't claim all the glory for turfing the Russians out of this potential W.W.3 Armageddon situation because I am such a modest chappie, but I'd say it was about 99% down to me", he told a news reporter today. "That will teach Putin to say we are Public School Fags !!".

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