Archaeologist finds lost Mummy but forgets where he puts it.

Funny story written by Auntie Jean

Saturday, 15 February 2014

image for Archaeologist finds lost Mummy but forgets where he puts it.

King Tutankhamun's father, Akhenaten's mummy was sensationally found this morning in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. Archaeologist Baldrick Robinson made the astonishing find, only to forget where he had put it moments later. The lost mummy, one of several missing Egyptian Pharoes literally fell out of a hole near the bottom of a large pyramid.

"It was quite a small shrunken mummy", said Baldrick, "I'm sure I put it next to my glasses at the tomb entrance but it is not there. I'm now wondering if I left it at the gas station. Yesterday I lost my car keys and had to get new ones made."

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