Sat Nav Ultimate, the original planned journey 38 miles, became 900 miles through six countries

Funny story written by SpoofyDoofy

Monday, 4 February 2013

image for Sat Nav Ultimate, the original planned journey 38 miles, became 900 miles through six countries
Not tonight Josephine, I am setting my Sat Nav for Zagreb in Croatia, rather than Moscow in Russia. I might win this time!!

Solre-sur-Sambre in Belgium, to Zagreb in Croatia, in sixty hours

In years to come, when the Solre-sur-Sambre to Zagreb car rally becomes well established, it will be the momentous first trip by 67-year-old Sabine Moreau, who orginally typed in a 38 mile trip to pick up a friend from the station, that they will thank for 'inventing' this epic route.

As the 67-year-old Sabine Moreau said about the route devised by her Sat Nav Ultimate;

"Maybe, but I was just preoccupied... I was a bit absent-minded as I had a few things to think about, I suppose."

The scenic route is 900 miles in length and requires the same mental and physical stamina as the first participant.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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