Pakistan Telecom companies have drawn up a list of words that "texters" are not allowed to use. If the "texters" are caught using these words during texting in public they will be flogged in the main square and used as a example.
The list contains several surprises, but the one topping the list has raised a few eyebrows; Jesus, has been banned because Pakistan being an Islamic country doesn't allow anybody to mention him, even if used in a blasphemous manner, which is in fact a compliment in Islam.
Other words on the list are pretty predictable, here a few examples:
India or Indians / most offensive swear word apart from Jesus.
Hindus, Christians or Buddhists / speaks for itself.
F++k You / well of course.
You Bitch / ?????
George Bush / commonly used swear word in Pakistan.
Tony Blair / because many Pakistan people think he's gay and being gay in Islamic countries is forbidden.
President Obama / pretty obvious
Homosexual / read above.
Lesbian / they don't exist in Pakistan and if they did they would be stoned, literally.
Pussy & Dick / swear words in Pakistan, banned.
Osama bin Laden / banned only when President Obama is in town otherwise acceptable.
Booze and liquor / obvious
Bums and tits / see above
etc, etc.
Pakistan mobile phone users number more than a 100 million and they also swear a million times a day, but never in public or whilst texting, now we know why!