Anthony Weiner To Run For Congress!

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

image for Anthony Weiner To Run For Congress!

Brooklyn - Anthony Weiner, former congressman representing Brooklyn, is planning to make a comeback and run for the same seat that he managed to tweet away with his resignation just a few weeks ago. With little or no competition for the vacant seat: Why not?

Everyone loves a comeback. Winston Churchill came back after the Labor government took over following World War II. Richard Nixon came back following his presidential defeat against John F. Kennedy and his California gubernatorial defeat against incumbent Pat Brown. Becaming president, he was eventually impeached, resigned from office, but he had a comeback. Eliot Spitzer also had a comeback. All ancient history.

However, Weiner's old seat remains vacant, Brooklyn lacks representation, Pelosi could always use another vote and if a trice married self-confessed adulterer can run for president of the United States, why can't a reformed tweeter run for his old empty seat?

There are more significant issues that require attention, (or bigger fish to fry). Like the fall of Muammar Gaddafi and the liberation of Libya. CNN's Arwa Damon was reporting from Libya's airport and Sara Sidner was walking into the Gaddafi compound. Women reporters on the front lines! All eyes focused on television screens, when: "We interrupt this broadcast to announce that the east coast area has just been hit by a 5.8 earthquake. People are running out of the capital building and it was felt all the way up to Martha's Vineyard where the president is vacationing with his family."

A 5.8 earthquake? Really? In California, a 5.8 barely makes the news. In San Francisco it is considered a hiccup in the espresso machine. Frisco knows earthquakes. An earthquake has to get up to at least an 8 point something to deserve mention in the news.

What's happening in Libya? Did they find Qaddafi hiding under a bed? Is he fleeing Libya by way of a tunnel system that extends to Switzerland? Will the mud-slide of fashion be located wearing swiss lederhosen?

Anthony Weiner sent a silly tweet five months ago. It measured a 1.3 on the Richter scale.

Weiner's making a comeback.

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