Obama Credits Open Border Policy for Reducing Debt as 58 M Denied Cost of Living Allowance Increase!

Funny story written by Morse

Monday, 11 October 2010

image for Obama Credits Open Border Policy for Reducing Debt as 58 M Denied Cost of Living Allowance Increase!
Obama, Pelosi & Reed Immortalized on Cliff under Golden Gate by Supporters 'High On Life!'

Vowing to take charge of the faltering economy after 20 months in office, and just 3 weeks before Obamanomics is expected to be repudiated in the mid term elections, Obama took credit for denying millions of retired Americans a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for the second year in a row!

Not since the waning days of WWII with Hitler in his bunker declaring he would leave a scorched earth, has anyone seen the likes of a delusional, self destructive head of state who has so obviously gone 'round the bend.'

Obama cited his open borders policy as having a positive effect on the economy which made it 'unnecessary and fool hardy to waste money on old almost dead white people."

"With my policy of open borders, the price of cocaine, crack, heroin, meth, and especially marijuana has fallen further than Barney Frank's housing market! Now everybody can afford to get high on what we give them every month....I know you know what I be talkin' about!"

Seeing the handwriting on the wall, a baker's dozen of Obama's closest cabal members have slithered down the docking lines seeking safe haven in any port, leaving the Emperor with No Clothes, and looking and sounding more and more like a corrupt, out of his depth power mad despot from the African Gold Coast.

In recent days Obama and VP Biden have threatened to 'take the gloves off', go to 'hand to hand fighting' and 'cut off your welfare', if the Dems don't get out the vote and lose to a swelling majority of pissed off grass roots activists determined to turn the country around.

For the first time in his Presidency, Obama has even taken to showing up in the ghettos to exhort the populace to get out and vote, with opening acts of hip hop stars, rappers and gangstas.

"You Motha's know me," he said at one wild orgy where 3 dozen women fainted after throwing their panties on the stage," I'm the man who signs your checks, I'm the man with the Stash that can keep you in happy dust....dig up your dead brothers, fathers, & nephews and get out the vote....I need you if we're going to make change happen........!"

Obama is off next to San Francisco where Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, and supporters of 'Legalize Drugs Now" are unveiling the busts of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barry carved in the cliffs near the Golden Gate Bridge to kick off their mid-october get-out-the-vote campaign cleverly entitled: Get High On Life with Barry!

After 20 months everyone is starting to see the Real Obama....Smoke and Mirrors with nothing but images of his own self!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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