In the biggest single DNA test in history which were taken across the country at T-Bagger rallies, results show that 100% of the attendees are cousins!
A spokesman for the testing company stated...."We thought we knew the results before we began...but they were far beyond our expectations. We felt that in the southern US we would find the cousin factor...but we never expected that it would be the same across the entire US. We have gone back as far as the year 1636 in the beginning days of our country and the results are conclusive. attracts like...but this was beyond our wildest dreams"
One of the participants in the study, Mr. TJ McCorkle of Louisburg,NC was not suprieed. "Didn't need no damn fancy pants gobmint test to tell us.....ever since I grew up......we been goin to family reunions to find a date...same for my Daddy...and My Daddy's Daddy. Our Mommas didn't raise no stupid kids......we know where the action is! And these here rallies are jus like one big family reunion!"
A reporter from the Associated Press asked Mr.McCorkle about the sign he was carrying which read...."Go forth.....and multiply" "Don't know"...he replied....was inscribed in the family bible...been in the family since 1636! Scuse me now.......I got a date"