Man arrested for sex with horse - blames the horse!

Funny story written by susan allen-rosario

Thursday, 22 October 2009


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image for Man arrested for sex with horse - blames the horse!
"She told me I was the best she ever had."

Colombia, Tenneesse - A man who police say was caught on tape having sex with a horse and later arrested told them in an interview that the horse came on to HIM first.

"She gave me this look and I knew she wanted it. We were meant to be. She told me I was the best she ever had."

He also related that the filly came out of the barn wearing a very seductive saddle.

"Dressed like that she was just asking for it and I was just the stud who could give it to her. She needed a REAL man."

A lawyer for the man stated that his client is suffering from "Mammal Identity Disorder" and believes he is an animal trapped in a man's body. " He is unable to perform with other humans sexually."

Consulting psychiatrist, Dr. Hyman Fizzilrod, came up with the controversial diagnosis. "He has a long history of sexual encounters with both barnyard and domestic animals. His first arrest was as a young child when he was caught exposing himself to his neighbor's dog. He then progressed to grooming and then seducing housecat's with a combination of catnip and liver pate'. He considered his activities as true courtship and dating. He is without a doubt deeply disturbed."

"His mother told me that when his great uncle's mail order bride was retuned for insufficient postage, the uncle began courting a chicken. We are unsure at this time if this disorder is hereditary. For all we know it could be a virus. It can be said that it appears that something is wrong in their "jeans".

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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