President Obama Meets With Spin Doctors

Funny story written by Philbert of Macadamia

Thursday, 8 October 2009

image for President Obama Meets With Spin Doctors

Washington DC: President Obama met with 150 medical doctors, from 50 states, to garner their support for his health care reform initiative. Subsequently at the White House, Democratic Party spin doctors met with the president, Press Secretary Gibbs and Congressional leaders.

The second meeting's subject was how to use "medical terminology" to sell the president's health care plan and counter opposition. The current House and Senate health care bills are viewed by the American public as making them sick. These proposed bills have caused symptoms of severe dysphagia (hard to swallow) in citizens. Congress has also shown symptoms of poor acoustic immittance (hard of hearing)!

The meeting participants discussed the following spin doctor talking points to negate the preceding objections. Republican health care proposals are anemic! Town hall health care reform opponents have been diagnosed with psychotic episodes, where the little voices say "cut spending!" Taxes are good for you, like your mother making you take Cod Liver Oil.

President Obama advised the meeting participants to take two aspirins, go to bed and call him in the morning!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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