WASHINGTON, DC (ANSNN) - Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (D) California, introduced a Bill this morning that would permanently silence all Republican members of congress and prevent them from voting on any bills brought up by the Democratic majority.
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, (D) Nevada, introduced a similar Bill in the Senate today.
"This landmark legislation will effectively end the Republican Party in the United States," said Pelosi with Reid standing directly behind her with his head up her ass.
"Mmmfppfff," Reid apparently agreed.
"For too long now, the Democratic Party has been forced to compromise with the Right and we are tired of it," she told reporters.
Republican MC's have vowed to fight the proposed legislation but may be silenced by a floor vote before debate on the Pelosi Bill begins next week.
"Who the hell does Pelosi think she is, God?" one Republican congressman asked.
"No," replied Reid, once he disengaged from Pelosi's ass.
"God doesn't think he's Pelosi," Reid said.
President Obama promised to sign the legislation as soon as it comes to his desk.
"This is legislation I can live with," said Obama.