Today California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced a new initiative to start taxing resident's farting in order to reduce the emission of the state's green house gasses.
"We are going to find out who is causing all of this 'Global Warming' and we will make them pay for their careless rectum-missions", Governor Schwarzenegger announced at a 3:00 PM press conference . "We feel that those of you who are contributing to contaminating our environment with excess methane gas spewing farting, should have to shoulder a greater burden of inconveniencing the rest of us. So as of today, every resident of the state of California will have to take a 'Farting Emissions Test'. Those that exceed the state's acceptable level will be taxed accordingly".
Upon hearing the announcement, the People for Happily Emitting Whiffs (PHEW) protested the Governors announcement.
"What is the Gov. talking about?", an exasperated Ned Poof, president of PHEW proclaimed. "Everyone knows that there is nothing better than a big cut. By taxing those of us who like to cut a big one is definitely unconstitutional. I mean, I cannot imaging the Supreme court taxing themselves because one of the justices has had a cut that makes his or her robe billow for a couple of seconds. We are definitely challenging this law and we will win".
Legal arguments are pending.