Screen Name: mikewadestr
mikewadestr has published 330 items on The Spoof.
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Latest Spoof News Story: Friday 3rd March 2023
Spoofing since: Tuesday 16th September 2008
Location: Washington DC
Profile: I live in Washington DC (Dysfunctional City), which has the greatest comedy house in the entire world. It's called the US Congress. Most of my spoofing is done between contracts which require long hours and usually 6 to 7 days. It is IT work.
I am about 75 percent insane. I have been taking classes on completing the last 25 percent so that I can become 100 percent insane. My insanity is due to a small particle of brain that is lodged in my skull.
My goal is to become president of the world, but I am willing to settle for worlds best crapper cleaner.
mikewadestr hasn't written anything in a while, so his/her news feed is seriously out of date!
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