Tehran's Ducks went on protest following Arrest of an American Duck in Washington

Funny story written by hussainmehdi

Friday, 12 October 2007

Thousands of Ducks from around the country gathered in Tehran streets following an arrest of American Duck in Washington. They had banners showing "Down with Ducks" "Fly with Ducks" "walk like Ducks".

President Ahmadinejad was also seen in the protest. He addressed at the end of protest and assured Iranian Ducks that he will send a letter to President Bush inviting him on an open debate about Duck rights in USA. He further emphasized that President Bush should not steal Duck's identity. He advised Mr. Bush that "becoming Lame-Duck is a tactical error".

During a press conference here, on Oval Office, on the side lines of serious American concern over the protests of Tehran Ducks, Mr. Bush harshly reacted to a question about early morning protest of a duck.

"She is not simply a duck, she is a terrorist, and she has underground connections with the ducks of Tehran." Mr. Bush reacted upon a question raised by Ms. Gena Two-one, representative of a pro-Duck Organization called "Duck & Sherlock-Homos & Co."

Mr. Bush informed the honorable audience of reporter community that the same duck has been seen flying over the white house last Wednesday at 1.00AM, just before he was preparing to discuss world affairs with Laura.

Mr. Bush further stated that an aide told him that this duck had a 15 day love affair with Khamenei's eighty years old duck.

"This is unacceptable" Bush said. "how an American duck can afford to affair with an eighty years old duck" he asked, "and yet, she produced eggs later." He concluded.

Mr. Bush informed the audience that an immediate call for special session of Security Council has already been initiated. Mr. Bush said that Khamenei's duck of such age can not be allowed to have free love affairs with American young ducks. Mr. Bush suggested a tough sanction on all Iranian ducks.

"Why Iranian Ducks do, 'Quan..Quan'? Mr. Bush questioned the audience, "Why they don't simply talk in English like I do?", "I am also a Lame-Duck".

He assured the audience that he will not leave the matter under the influence of Iranian ducks. Mr. Bush did not reply about the whereabouts of arrested duck.

There were several hundred ducks protesting out side the building during Mr. Bush's press conference.

Mr. Bush left the building after press conference from the back exit.

(Duck News Agency Oct. 11, 2007)

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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