In an address to the nation last night, a delighted G.W Bush declared that the War on Terror has been won. "My fellow Americans. It gives me joy to announce that the War on Terror has finally reached an end. After a fortnight of tough battles, I have managed to arrest that rogue, arrogant towel-head of terrorist (Osama bin Laden). "
"To set the record straight, I must admit that I had to save/reload the last part of the game's last mission several times. Nevertheless, and I would like to stress that, I did not use any and I repeat any of the available cracks which were kindly provided by the PC game's creators, Eidos Interactive", Bush boasted to stunned reporters. "I would also like to thank my vice president, Dick , for explaining me the manual. At first I got confused, as I had to master 3 different keyboard buttons AND a mouse. Thanks Dick, couldn't have done it without you", the president concluded.
Polls conducted right after the President's announcement showed that Bush's popularity reached a historic peak.
"Bush proved his ability as a war time president" Utah shoe salesman John Barrick said "I've been trying to finish this game for ages but I always get myself blown up by suicide bombers at the last part of the game's final mission". "Beat THAT Kerry" , Barrick challanged.