After an exclusive screening of Tom Cruise's latest flick, The Last Samurai, President Bush immediately drafted new plans on his war on terror.
"I'm going to be the Last Osama," Mr. Bush was overheard talking to himself by an unnamed, fed-up Secret Service agent.
The movie, depicting the story of the ancient Samurai clan of Japan slowly being replaced by a modern Japanese army and the subsequent involvement of Tom Cruise's character in the movie as an American Samurai, is currently raking in millions at the box office.
In the movie, Cruise's character is an American soldier who slowly learns the way of life of Japanese Samurai. He befriends the Samurai. In the end, he kills the Samurai boss played by Ken Watanabe by stabbing him in the stomach.
The Lord only knows what Mr. Bush has planned. But a secret immersion trip to Afghanistan is being planned soon.