Paris Hilton Grants Barbara Walters Exclusive Interview, Airs Today

Funny story written by Buck E Filbert

Monday, 11 June 2007

image for Paris Hilton Grants Barbara Walters Exclusive Interview, Airs Today
Paris had to phone this one in.

Twin Towers Correctional Facility - After asking the media to focus on important issues like our fighting men and women in Iraq, Paris Hilton did a total 180 and granted Barbara Walters an exclusive interview Sunday afternoon.

Saturday she requested the media focus the real issues, Sunday she's interviewing with Barbara Walters.

Paris might really be mental after all she can't make up her mind as to what she wants. Media or no media, that, IS the question.

The interview will be used as a teaser on ABC's Good Morning America. Barbara will talk about the interview on, The View, Monday morning.

The interview was not recorded according to sources so it will be played back through Barbara Walters' memory.

From the desk of
Buck E Filbert

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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