Kenny Hendricks of Nashville, Tennessee, was out for a morning run in the park when he caught sight of Polly Hartley, a woman he'd dated briefly and never called again, in the distance. Aiming to avoid an awkward encounter, Kenny pretended not to notice Polly, and deceptively darted off onto a dirt trail, only to become entangled in a massive spiderweb stretched across the path.
"I think it might have been a brown recluse," said Kenny, referring to the venomous spider native to Tennessee. "Fortunately, I was already in flight mode so my adrenaline kicked in, and I was able to shake him off."
The spiderweb itself, however, was harder to shake. It clung to Kenny's skin and clothing and hair, serving as a tangible reminder for the remainder of his run of the dangers of deception.
"'Oh, what a tangled web we weave,'" said Kenny. "Now I get it." He shook his head. "I guess you really can't run away from your problems. Lesson learned."