In a few months, following Trump's removal from office, his border wall will also be removed.
Drum roll!
The committee for the Restoration of America is planning a four-day celebration to commemorate the takedown. While heads of state are eager for an invitation, Putin won’t be invited to this party.
The wall will be decorated with a string of Trump-like pinatas. When struck open, instead of the traditional candies, a deluge of hamburgers and chocolate cakes will spill out.
Ayeeee, Que Bueno!
Added to the festivities, subscriber donating a fee will be given one hundred feet of the wall to destroy. The first three subscribers to collapse their section of wall will be awarded a Liberty of Freedom Award, which is a plaque with a giant orange chilly pepper, and a photograph of their demolished section. Using bulldozers, dynamite, chisels or any creative tool that comes to mind will be acceptable. A destruction derby driving old cars into the wall will also be okay, though not very rational. Acid use will not be accepted as it is environmentally unfriendly.
Once the wall is down, festivities for the coast to coast party will begin. Free baseball caps will read: Make America & Mexico Amigos Again.
Because who doesn’t like chili, quesadillas, Salma Hayek, Taco Bell, tamales, enchiladas, cerveza, flans, and churros? And from facials to guacamole dip, there is no end to the benefits of avocados.
During the four day celebration, at the strike of each hour, a man wearing a top hat, orange suit with tails will be blasted out of a canon, over the wall and into Mexico. A tree will be planted to mark his landing spot. Trees will replace the wall from sea to shining sea.
There will also be a Trump look-alike contest for either male or female contestants and with a bikini contest.
The I.Q. test will ask questions like: How many presidents can you name; a spelling bee; name ten homonyms; what is the longest word you can spell? The Trump contestant with the lowest score will be the Trump look-alike champion.
Que Bueno!
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