With the White House leaking like the Titanic after head butting an iceberg the military has been called in to restore order.
The new 4 star general just appointed CoS has declared marital law and authorized the use of deadly force against suspected leakers. The White House is now on lockdown with orders of Shoot to Kill anyone caught talking to the media or breaking curfew. Snipers have been deployed at numerous positions within the hallways with early reports of bodies already. There are said to be so many laser red dots dancing on the office walls it looks like a new years eve lightshow.
RNC staffers have been declared an enemy of the White House and will be shot on suspicion of trying to save the country from a madman, should they be foolish enough to turn up for work. Only staffers declaring personal allegiance to Trump.com™ and disavowing the constitution will be allowed back to their posts.
In preparation for the mass communist party style purgings Trump.com™ has commissioned a new fleet of Under The Bus TrumpMobiles™
Press Secretary was bragging that "we can scoop up non-conforming citizens that refuse the personal pledge at world record rates. we could have the White House empty within weeks, then everything can return to normal.