A spokesman for the Trump campaign took the podium at a press conference this morning to announce that Candidate Trump had been diagnosed with Foot in Mouth disease and would suspend his campaign for at least two weeks.
The announcement did not come as a complete surprise to the assembled as rumors had swirled for weeks that Trump's outbursts were verbal diarhea, an affliction he has suffered for years.
Spokesman: "Mr. Trump is resting well and expects to be back on the campaign trail shortly. He has been greatly assisted in his recovery by a companion dog specifically trained to be a calming influence on its human companion. Donald will be accompanied by his new friend and companion on for the rermainder of the campaign.
At tis point a handler walked to the podium with Hitler, a 185 pound Pit Bull.
The dog looked at the room full of reporters, bared it's teeth, growled and farted!
The room was totally silent according to a reporter from The New York Times. "Then," according to the journalist, "the assembled journalists rose as one, stood and gave the dog a standing ovation!"
"Could It get any better!," one reporter was heard to say to a companion.