Owensboro Man Finds Trump Dollar, Calls It Sign From God

Funny story written by Owensboro_report

Saturday, 17 September 2016

image for Owensboro Man Finds Trump Dollar, Calls It Sign From God

Gerard Freeman from Owensboro, Ky has reportedly found a dollar with the face of Trump on it. The man was reading the bible and praying to God when, in the bible, he found the dollar.

The man claims, "This must be a sign from God! I was praying about the future of America and what do I find? I found a dollar with Trump on it. God has shown me the beautiful future of America and the future of Trump!". He then went on screaming that the south would rise again.

This revelation, whether it be from God or just another lunatic, could have serious meaning.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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