Washington D.C.-A United States Senate slumber party was disrupted and nearly canceled altogether when what started out as a pleasant evening, filled with erstwhile discussions and fun-filled moments, quickly turned sour, thanks to the obnoxious behavior of a Junior Senator and his friends.
"It all started with creepy rubber bugs in our sleeping bags. Soon we were being continually interrupted by their running in and out, shouting all sorts of silly things, and making fun of our pajamas and make up." Complained Barbara Trotter(Drunk- California).
"We tried to ignore them, then we tried inviting them in for snacks, and finally we complained to the President Pro Tempore, but nothing seemed to work. Those snotty little senators ruined everything!"
"We weren't doing anything." complained junior senator Timmy Ferguson (Reformed Drunk-Iowa), who obviously felt left out of all the fun. "Besides they're the one's who started it!".
Senators who felt that their fun was ruined were promised that they could hold another slumber party sometime when Timmy wouldn't be there to spoil their fun. Probably during Easter Break.