Weiner Applies For Mascot Job At Oscar Meyer

Funny story written by Moose

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

image for Weiner Applies For Mascot Job At Oscar Meyer
File photo of Anthony's Weiner

NEW YORK, NY - Hopeful future Mayor Weiner announced today that he will apply for the job of Oscar Meyer Weiner Mascot, after the original Oscar Mayer Weiner Mascot George Molchan dies.

George Molchan, who portrayed the Oscar Mayer mascot for more than three decades died on April 12. He was 82.

Mr. Molchan was a bookkeeper for the Pepsi-Cola Company when Meinhardt Raabe, who played a munchkin in "The Wizard of Oz," persuaded Mr. Molchan to try out for the role of Little Oscar, the company's diminutive mascot, according to Mr. Molchan's brother Elmer.

Anthony's Weiner is also expected to apply for the role of "Little Oscar".

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