NASA To Sue The Netherland Antilles

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Sunday, 19 May 2013

image for NASA To Sue The Netherland Antilles
The United States has asked the Netherland Antilles to change the name of their space program.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Aeronautics Space Administration is reportedly in the process of suing the Netherland Antilles.

According to NASA spokesperson General Langston P. Kokomo, the space administration has learned that the government of the Netherland Antilles has just implemented a much anticipated space program.

General Kokomo stated that the only problem is that the Netherland Antilles has named their space program the Netherland Antilles Space Alliance or NASA.

A representative for the Netherland Antilles, Amsterstad Hoogveen, informed the United States space administration that the acronym NASA is just simply the combination of the name of their space program.

He further stated that his government has gone to a great expense to have stationary, signs, drink coasters, and pencils printed with the NASA designation.

Mr. Hoogveen was told by the United States government that the Netherland Antilles needs to change the name of their space program.

He replied that it's not going to happen.

SIDENOTE: The United States Attorney Generals office has stated that they are starting lawsuit proceedings in the amount of $90 million.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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