Manny Horkle's wife Bunny said she first noticed a problem when Manny suddenly stopped functioning while the couple was taking an evening walk.
"We were walking along and, all of a sudden, he just froze and his left eye began twitching rapidly," said Bunny. The next sign of a glitch occurred a few days later when Manny began experiencing sudden unwanted erections or "pop ups" dozens of times throughout the day.
"One would go away and a few seconds later, another one would pop up," said Bunnie.
Following a series of tests, doctors determined that Manny had contracted a virus from his laptop computer, and he was taken to the Norton Clinic for a full system scan.
Manny is now virus free, but he will be required to undergo daily scans.
"I'm so glad he's okay, although I hate to admit it, but I do sort of miss the pop-ups," confided Bunnie.